Hello via GitHub Pages

Well this is new…

Rather than dealing with Blogger, a dubious mobile interface, and spreading things across many services… why not just use GitHub Pages? I’m so used to writing markdown at this point that it just seems easier 😄


Inspired by tmpdubz I figured I’d do a double-whammy here - play around with/learn GitHub Pages, while also giving my blog a much needed cosmetic overhaul/simplification/rebranding. This lead to Hugo, which is pretty darn neat.

Hugo is reasonably well documented, config driven, and quite intuitive to pick up and run with. Setting up this whole blog system on GitHub Pages took under 15 minutes (not including manually migrating blog content over).

Check it out if you’re looking to throw together a simple site! You can check out what a finished project looks like by reviewing what’s powering this very blog in my GitHub repo.


145 Words

2021-01-18 00:00 +0000